Sunday, November 11, 2012


My topic really doesn't deal with any scholarly resources or research, plus I have a first hand look and experience with the topic and how social media is impacting the industry. However I will use one source to show how before the new media technologies became widespread, the industry was able to make large sums of money. I will also name other reading materials, but I will not use any information from them, they are strictly examples of how new media is working with the auto industry,

Callahan, David. The Cheating Culture, Why More Americans are Doing Wrong to Get Ahead. Mariner Books, December 1, 2004

This will be the only book I will be citing from. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Project Idea Description

Nick Rozinov

For my term project, I will be looking at how New Media has affected the Auto Industry. I will discuss how thanks to New Media people have become much more car savvy and the impact of this on car manufacturers and those that repair vehicles. New media has molded the perceptions of average people towards repairs and features of a vehicle from something intimidating to something easily understandable. New media has also allowed the people to have a larger role in new designs of cars and easier communication with the companies and other enthusiasts. Not only will I look at how new media has impacted the auto industry from a general perspective, but I will also give insight on how it has affected the business aspect. My family owns an auto repair shop and I have seen first hand how new media has affected how we conduct our business and interact with customers.